The origins of Saint - Sylvestre, have no connection with the Saint of the same name: Saint Sylvester. The Feast existed long before Saint Sylvester I became pope.
The origins of New Year's Eve are multiple and are lost in the mists of time. Pagan origins have mixed with religious origins by draining all popular and religious beliefs related to the winter solstice.
Ancient peoples and cultures celebrated the winter solstice and we find the same symbolism in all these beliefs and practices.
In ancient Rome, coins and medals were exchanged on the occasion of the change of year. This tradition continues in the New Year's gifts given to children on New Year's Day.
About ten days after the Saturnalia, the Romans organized exchanges of vows on the occasion of hearty meals which were accompanied by offerings of green branches and sweets. This period of celebration was closed by the circus games.
Until Julius Caesar, the feast celebrating the end of the year was not a fixed date, in Roman times, the feast generally took place in February. Julius Caesar set the end of the year on December 31.
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