The primitive arts are the arts of so-called “traditional” civilizations. These arts were used during ritual ceremonies among certain peoples. They make it possible to bear witness to their culture, their passage and their daily habits.

Primitive art (an expression coined in the 1970s by collector and art dealer Jacques Kerchache) or primitive art is the art of traditional societies, said to be without writing.

By extension, the term commonly designates the traditional art of non-Western cultures. A well-known example of a museum displaying objects from such cultures is the Quai Branly Museum, located in Paris, France.

The Quai Branly - Jacques-Chirac Museum, sometimes called the Museum of Arts and Civilizations of Africa, Asia, Oceania and the Americas, is located in the 7ᵉ arrondissement of Paris, along the Seine quay which leads to it. gives its name and at the foot of the Eiffel Tower.

The project, led by Jacques Chirac and directed by Jean Nouvel, was inaugurated on June 20, 2006. Attendance is close to 1,500,000 visitors in 2014 and in 2016 passed the 10 million mark since its opening, which places it among the busiest in the world in its category.

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